Saturday, August 09, 2008

Rail Community Officers

Following the last Company Council meeting,where the issue of the Rate of Pay for the above Group of Grades was not sufficient for the role that this new job involves.It was agreed that a sub-group would be formulated to discuss various options which as the company advised had to be done by using productivity.
A meeting with a Company Council Rep from both the RMT and TSSA took place on the 04th August with the Company,at this meeting various options were discussed,and these were taken away by the Company to get costings to see how much they were worth,it was agreed that a further meeting would be arranged to discuss their findings. Then we as a Union will put this to our Council and Regional Organiser to see if this would be a runner or not to posibly increase the Rate of Pay for this post. To advise all that since the Travel Safe Officers job was created back in 2002,the Company never invited us to talks on this grade,so as this new Grade has been created,the Company Council have asked for the Regional Organiser to write to the Company to arrange for meetings to discuss the Terms and Conditions of this Grade. More information will be given on this issue as soon as possible.

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