Sunday, August 17, 2008


Following on from the meeting the Company Council Reps and the Regional Organiser had at Unity House with the Assistant General Secretary and the Unions Executive on the 14th August 2008,a discussion we had was that the way forward would be that we would meet with the Company in the Afternoon on the same day and request that the proposals be removed of the table. As you are aware a good response from the Public and MP's was to oppose the cuts of these Ticket Office posts,and this was the best result since any other proposals were put forward within other Train Operating Companies. The Company Council Reps along with the Regional Organiser met with the Company and requested that the proposals are removed of the table,and as expected the Company declined this and responded by saying that if they were going to do this then they would of done this earlier,we responded by saying that we the RMT were not prepared to discuss the Peoples Process in relation to the 114 + jobs,we requested copies of the proposals in relation to the Multiwindows within SWT,and these were presented to us. It was agreed that the way forward would be that the Council Reps would go out and visit the locations affected to get feed back as to the impact this would have to the staff in relation to them removing certain turns within these Ticket offices,and this would be fed back when we meet the Company agin shortly,by then we should be advised as to if the DFT have supported the Travel Watch and Passenger Focus to oppose these proposals. We wish to state that we the RMT are totally opposed to any cuts of jobs within the Ticket Offices and we will fight every way we can to stop this. We will keep you all posted on developments on this issue,and will advise members as to when the Company Council Reps are visiting your location to speak with you...

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