Sunday, July 18, 2010

CCTV Installation and Agency Staff Update

To advise that the Retail Company Council Reps along with the Regional Organiser met with the Assistant General Secretary and the Unions Executive in regards the increase of Agency staff being used to cover Train Presentation staff and Gate Line Assistant positions, it was agreed at the meeting that the Regional Organiser would write to the Company to seek an urgent meeting with them to discuss this item.

A brief discussion on the issue of the installation of CCTV screens at various locations within the Company, and a further meeting would be sort to have the Guards Company Council Reps present to discuss this issue, the Regional Organiser will be writing to the Company to request assurances that this equipment would not be rolled out to any further locations and a cap be put on the existing locations and removal of posts that had allready taken place. We will of course keep you posted on this issue and the future meetings that will be taking place

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