Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sunday Arrangements, Guards - South West Trains







Circular No IR/683/13



To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils



Our Ref: BR2/7/1

21st November 2013



Dear Colleagues




Further to my previous circular on the above matter dated 12thSeptember 2013 (IR/535/13), in which I advised you that I had received a resolution from our Wimbledon Branch, informing me that South West Trains were attempting to arbitrarily alter theagreed Sunday Leave Arrangements.


I can now confirm that the company has informed me that it is not their intention to change the Sunday Working Agreement and that the abrogation of the Agreement was down to the actions of one manager. The manager in question has now been advised that he was wrong and the agreed arrangements are now being honoured.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank our members at Wimbledon for bringing this matter to my attention. I trust this keeps you fully advised on the matter.


Yours sincerely

Bob Crow

General Secretary


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