Wednesday, November 26, 2014

SWT Pay Talks update for 2014





Dear Colleagues,




A detailed written submission was made to the company in September outlining members aspirations, as follows;


1. A substantial increase in rates of pay to reflect real improvement in salaries/wages. 
2. An increase in annual leave.
3. A reduction in working hours with a target of 32 hours per week for all members,        without loss of pay.
4. An improvement in Family Friendly policies.
5. Improved Travel facilities
6. Improved London & Regional Allowances.


In addition to these we asked the company to commit to discussions on restructuring Retail and Fleet grades. We have now met with the company on two occasions and received an offer with two options.


Option 1

Year 1. An increase of 1.9% or £450 on basic rates of pay whichever is the greater.

Year 2. An increase of RPI (as measured Aug 2015) minus 0.25%


Option 2

Year 1. An increase of 2.1% on basic rates of pay.

Year 2. An increase of RPI (as measured Aug 2015) minus 0.25%.


Your representatives pressed for responses for the conditions we were seeking improvement upon particularly as, in some cases, such as leave, hours and restructuring because these had not been considered for improvements for many years.  


The company replied there would be as part of this offer; 


• No increase in London or Regional allowances these would remain the same.
• No commitment to discussions on restructuring for Fleet and Retail grades.
• No improvement in Family Friendly arrangements.
• No reduction in hours.
• No improvement in holidays.


Your representatives advised the company that both options were unacceptable as neither met cost of living and did not address any of the improvements we wished to see in working conditions. In terms of low paid staff the offers made in fact would, see more of our 







members needing to source government income benefits as result of, not being able to meet increasing bills with the level of pay offered.


The company advised that the offer was made based upon affordability, the current climate of 1% average increases in wages around the country and, the increased payments to the DFT.


In response the Trade Unions reminded the company that they were enjoying healthy profits and staff are as important as shareholders and should not be expected to bear the cost of DFT payments based upon the company’s business plan, it had agreed when, bidding for the franchise. Our members had now for the last two years received less than inflation increases leading to a real reduction in money terms to meet the cost of bills and lowering their spending ability.  Company profits were good and staff should receive fair reward of these. 


The meeting was adjourned for the company to further consider the responses from the Trade Unions. A further meeting has been scheduled for 18th Dec 2014.


Members are advised your representatives are pushing hard to achieve real increases and improvements in a realistic time scale and will not allow pay talks to be drift along. It is our intention these be concluded at the earliest opportunity and with your support we will seek to achieve this.  


I will keep you informed of future events. However you should take every opportunity to attend your local branch and seek further detailed information from branch officers and local representatives as well as, having your say how you wish your negotiators to proceed.



Yours Sincerely,


Mick Tosh 

RMT Regional Organiser Wessex

Tel : 07900 877720










Union Headquarters

Unity House  39 Chalton Street ■ London ■ NW1 1JD    ■    Tel: 020 7387 4771  Fax: 020 7387 4123

Helpline: 0800 376 3706 ■ email:



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