Sunday, September 21, 2008


To advise you all that following dialogue between the RMT and South West Trains to request that they remove the Multi Window Document proposals from the table,so the Negotiators can enter into talks with the Company to discuss this further has failed. This Union has done all it can to try and have talks with the Company over the issue of them attempting to remove Ticket Office posts and advert a Strike Ballot,but all members within the Revenue Protection Grades and Clerical Officers within Ticket Offices on South West Trains will be ballotted for Industrial Action. As you are aware both Travel Watch and Passenger Focus are in support with us to stop our jobs being removed,and are awaiting the decision from DFT in relation to the 114 posts within Ticket Offices. All Clerical Representatives should have now received a letter from the Regional Organiser in relation to this issue. The Ballot will have a time period before closing and hopefully this will enable for the Company to contact this Union to have meanfull discusions with our Negotiators. This Union has made it clear to the company that we are allways available to meet and have further discussions on this issue More information on this issue will be available as soon as things develop.

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